Waiting for the sunshine.

It has been a cold wet Easter here and the storks have wind ruffled feathers.

I know how they feel as they hunker down on their nests waiting for the warmer weather . These nests are right in front of the local church and the the trees are specially trimmed each autumn to ensure that the birds have a safe easily accessible platform for their nest in the spring, before the leaves appear.

The storks all sat close on their nests as the congregation came out to admire them on a windy Easter Sunday morning.

8 thoughts on “Waiting for the sunshine.

  1. karen says:

    How wonderful to see them! So pleased the trees have been pruned to help them. We have a blackbird in the clematis by our bedroom window and bluetits in a box right next to it! We can lie in bed and watch them flitting to and fro. We’ll be able to keep an eye on the nests and protect them from magpies.

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